Just Because
Be Happy Bouquet
Sending someone a smile is as easy and sending them this smiling flower bouquet. The Be Happy Bouquet is the perfect give to turn someone's day around. This yellow smiley face mug is overflowing with seasonal yellow flowers such as daisies and roses, accompanied by white daisies sprinkled in. The best part is that the mug, after a good washing, is reusable, this this really will bring them a smile day after day. Perfect for morning coffee or afternoon tea, the this yellow treat is worth giving.
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Shown at $64.95
Includes:, Yellow Roses, Yellow Daisies, White Daisies, Smiley Face Vase.
Sending someone a smile is as easy and sending them this smiling flower bouquet. The Be Happy Bouquet is the perfect give to turn someone's day around. This yellow smiley face mug is overflowing with seasonal yellow flowers such as daisies and roses, accompanied by white daisies sprinkled in. The best part is that the mug, after a good washing, is reusable, this this really will bring them a smile day after day. Perfect for morning coffee or afternoon tea, the this yellow treat is worth giving.
Shown at $64.95
Shown at $64.95
Includes:, Yellow Roses, Yellow Daisies, White Daisies, Smiley Face Vase.
Sending someone a smile is as easy and sending them this smiling flower bouquet. The Be Happy Bouquet is the perfect give to turn someone's day around. This yellow smiley face mug is overflowing with seasonal yellow flowers such as daisies and roses, accompanied by white daisies sprinkled in. The best part is that the mug, after a good washing, is reusable, this this really will bring them a smile day after day. Perfect for morning coffee or afternoon tea, the this yellow treat is worth giving.
Shown at $64.95
Same Day Delivery!
Yellow Rose Florist in Granger, IN has floral arrangements and gifts perfect for special occasions, but sometimes you don't need a reason to remind someone you care. That's why we think "Just because" is one of the best reasons to say: "Thank you" "I'm sorry" "I love you" "Hope you're having a good day" "Hope you're having a better day" "Good luck" "Congratulations" "I miss you" "I wish I could be there" or "Forgive me." Browse our sample selection at Yellow Rose Florist in Granger, IN and order online or call us to place an order "Just because."